Monday, June 1, 2009

Crabby, Cranky and just plain tired

These last few months have been a little hard on me. Lots of worrying and wondering what the next day will bring. Will I lose my job? Will Jeff find a job? Will our health say good? Will something go wrong and rejection become an issue?
I think I have more gray in my hair then before. First I thought it was just becoming lighter because of the sun. NOT.....
I try and keep a happy face. Keep up-bet and motivated. But, that's just the outside. I try to keep busy with my sewing and crafting. But that sometimes does not work.
I just want to apologize to anyone that I may have offended or ticked off.


cinnamongirl said...


Hope life is getting better.

quilthusband said...

I am sure everyone understands competely. Most of us have been through it all as well. Our prayers are with you. I bet your husband worries about you more than you know.